A Message from Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - Chairman on Leave

Vaccine Facts

The science library on is detailed and extensive. You can access it here.

Here is a summary of excipients used in vaccines in the U.S. from Children’s Health Defense Arizona.

Vaccine Choice Canada is also an excellent and accessible resource as is the U.S. site

The Vaccine Reaction is published by the National Vaccine Information Centre (NVIC). On their ‘about us’ page they say:

TVR [The Vaccine Reaction] provides a forum for readers to engage in critical thinking and participate in an enlightened conversation about reaction to one of the most important public conversations of our time: the relationship between vaccination, health and autonomy. This online weekly journal offers an opportunity to analyze the broader contemporary and historical issues that affect public perception, understanding and opinion about how public health policies and laws affect individual and community health, freedom of thought and speech and other civil liberties. is an independent, worldwide, long-term study of the health outcomes of the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine-free.  A citizen led initiative, open to anyone who has chosen not to be jabbed.