A Message from Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - Chairman on Leave

Global Crisis Overview

The events which began in early 2020 and which are still unfolding have been shocking in the extreme and, because of their multi-facetedness, have been somewhat difficult to comprehend and have necessitated an educational journey for many of us.

Starting with a pseudo-pandemic used to justify imposed major societal change, including lockdowns, mask mandates, vaccine mandates, restrictions on usual life activities for the unvaccinated, school closures, church closures, destruction of businesses and the resultant increases in unemployment, mental health problems, suicides and shock at the degree of unquestioning compliance by a significant percentage of the population in most countries.   

For many of us these events have necessitated a huge learning curve which has encompassed both serious shock and a dramatic growth in knowledge and understanding. In its meticulous planning, its universality and its ruthlessness this attack on our health, our values and our way of life is the most serious ever visited upon humanity.

The following series of links were selected to help join the dots to provide a better understanding of the big picture and the intentions behind this ongoing attack on humanity.

Professor Michel Chossudovsky summarises the reasons for, and the intended outcomes of, the planned pseudopandemic. He asserts that the lockdown and the mRNA covid “vaccine” have been “instrumental in triggering a process of depopulation which indelibly points to extensive crimes against humanity“.

This article by The Acorn and published on aims to help us see how a variety of issues and trends are connected giving us a clearer understanding of the overall intention behind them.

Brilliant analysis by author and financial expert Ernst Wolff.  Wolff tellingly exposes the corona narrative asking, rhetorically, “Was Everything Carefully Planned”.  Wolff ends his piece on an optimistic note:

without any doubt we stand before turbulent and dangerous times. The elites do not act according to the rules of reason, but strives [sic] out of motives of greed and power, and therefore brings itself into ever greater difficulties. We should use exactly that weakness, and always keep in view that the elites likes more money, more property, and have available all the weapons in the world. Their power is not based on their money, nor their possessions or their weapons, but rely [sic] solely upon one factor—the ignorance of the majority of people, i.e., the majority doesn’t understand the evil game that this minority are playing with them.

As terrible as everything is that the digital-financial complex and his helpers help served up in the past 18 months, it has put itself in a situation which it cannot get out of, and in which out of despair, it must cross even more red lines. This means for all of us that in this exceptional situation, we should keep the peace, and consistently expose all lies and show people why and by whom they are being deceived. When we do that, we reflect on the strength of our arguments. Then we can solve the current problem, plus possibly achieve something much bigger, namely, use one of the deepest crises of humanity to turn around the direction of human history. So, let’s open the door to a new and better era.

This is a chilling analysis, by Peter Koenig, of the intentions of the global elite for most of humanity, with videos by Mike Adams and Peter Koenig.

F. William Engdahl in an article titled, The “Great Zero Carbon” Conspiracy and the WEF’s “Great Reset” quotes Dr. Alexander King, co-founder of The Club of Rome, from his book, The First Global Revolution, who said: “In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill … All these dangers are caused by human intervention and it is only through changed attitudes and behaviour that they can be overcome. The real enemy, then, is humanity itself.

Robert J. Burrowes brings some historical perspective, comparing the current, ongoing attack on humanity with previous attacks throughout our history. He warns that if this battle is lost “The Long War against humanity will have been won once and for all

This is a transcript of a WarRoom interview Steve Bannon did with Archbishop Vigano.  Archbishop Vigano pulls no punches in his clear and unambiguous account of the intentions and agenda of the elites.

Incisive short essay by Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, first published in April 2020 after the imposition of lockdowns, where he contrasts the values of human dignity & freedom, autonomy and natural (pre-state) law with the tyrannical abuses of power being exercised by governments all over the world and which he says is “reminiscent of the Germany of the 1930s, the rise of fascism.” He continues: “We are no longer free and can no longer lead our lives self-determined and independently.

Dr. Hänsel’s ends his essay with an exhortation:

Let us therefore preserve the attitude to life of self-determination, independence (sovereignty) and self-administration and the ability to see ourselves as beings of freedom and to act from this freedom.“