A Message from Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - Chairman on Leave


The Irish Council for Human Rights was founded by Tracy and Neil O’Mahony, was incorporated on 30 November, 2020 and is a non-governmental, non-profit organisation. On their website they say: “The ICHR shall work tirelessly to defend the human rights and constitutional protections of Irish citizens”.

They have ongoing campaigns and provide a lot of information and guidance on most aspects of this ongoing crisis. They say they are “committed to defending and promoting the rights that already exist, rather than advocating for the further erosion of fundamental rights under the guise of the greater or common good.”

Health Freedom Ireland’s stated mission is:

  1. To empower Irish people to make informed medical decisions (including vaccination) for themselves and their families, for providing a resource for impartial information and links to up-to-date research on:   
  • Vaccines available on the Irish market – their ingredients, and established and potential adverse effects
  • Illnesses for which there are vaccines – the risks of catching the illness, established healthcare professional recommended treatments and prognosis
  • Interventions in relation to viral illnesses – including evidence for mask efficacy, testing and medical devices
  1. To safeguard the rights of Irish people in maintaining the right to freely choose or decline any intervention or protocol (incl. vaccination). In order that, people living in Ireland will maintain medical freedom and the right to bodily integrity1 in Ireland, without fear of ramifications or consequences from the State, Health Authorities, Educational establishments or employers. Health Freedom Ireland aims to achieve this by:
  • Reaching out to policy makers, providing rational, referenced advice on maintaining medical freedom in relation to vaccination
  • Supporting Irish citizens presented with challenges to their ability to maintain medical freedom in relation to vaccination

They recently hosted the very successful Health Conference Ireland.

The Irish Inquiry describe their mission as:

Facilitating discussion on major political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental issues, with an additional focus on Ireland, providing a wider range of opinions from an expanding pool of public panelists. Engaging and interacting with the online public and representing their views. Promoting participation in public research projects and content creation. Founded on the principles of free speech and natural justice.

Since early 2020 they have consistently addressed the issues resulting from Covid-19 and the actions taken by our government, ostensibly, in response to the ‘pandemic’.