A Message from Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - Chairman on Leave

About Us

Children’s Health Defense Ireland – Our Story


The Burren County Clare Ireland by Grainne Kelleher
‘The Burren, County Clare, Ireland’ – By @grainnekelleherart

Children’s Health Defense Ireland came into being to continue and further the work of our parent organisation Children’s Health Defense, which is to restore and protect the health of children by eliminating exposures to environmental toxins, holding responsible parties accountable, and establishing safeguards to prevent future harm to children’s health.

Children’s Health Defense’s mission was broadened by covid 19 and the actions ‘justified’ by the ‘pandemic’.  Using covid 19 as a justification our governments have acquiesced with what Robert F. Kennedy jr. calls a global coup d’état by big data, big telecom, big tech, oil and chemical companies and the global public health cartel led by Bill Gates and the WHO.  These entities are all working in concert to reduce our liberties, subvert our democracies, destroy our individual and national sovereignty and usurp our control over our lives and our children’s health.  A most worrying manifestation of this is the International Pandemic Treaty proposed by the WHO, the establishment of which was supported by the European Council in May 24, 2021.  Resisting this intended coup d’état is now a crucial part of the mission of Children’s Health Defense and Children’s Health Defense Ireland.

While there is no doubt that much suffering and death resulted from the failure to deal appropriately or effectively with covid 19 and from the actions taken by governments ostensibly to deal with the crisis – including lockdowns, destruction of small businesses, forced mask wearing, isolation, suicides and ‘vaccinations’ – the ‘pandemic’ has also led to increased public awareness of a number of issues.  Awareness of vaccine dangers generally, not just covid vaccines, is growing.  Increasing numbers of people are becoming aware of the criminal behaviour of the pharmaceutical companies and of the power they yield as a result of their relationships with other large companies – often owned by the same individuals and investment advisor corporations – and with governments.

We have voted these governments into power to represent us.  This web of relationships constitutes a very real threat to democracy and to the basis of our humanity which includes personal sovereignty, freedom of thought and expression, personal liberty, bodily autonomy, control over our lives and management of our children’s health.  There is also growing awareness of the dangers of digital surveillance, data harvesting, AI and transhumanism.  Perhaps most importantly, considering the levels of compliance with covid restrictions and the absolute need for serious resistance there is an increasing awareness of the programming, conditioning, dumbing down, wearing out and poisoning of people (see the Solari Report’s The Great Poisoning) to keep them in a state of obedience and compliance with government directives.

Our susceptibility to the intentions of the global elites starts with children, in particular with the education systems in most countries which are not designed to nurture critical thinking abilities but in fact to dumb the children down.


All the above are linked and are linked to children’s overall health, our health, our humanity and our capacity to act and interact as free human beings, free people.  We need to resist this attempt at global tyranny now and do everything in our power to ensure that future generations are genuinely free people with free minds capable of critical thought.  These issues and themes inform our vision at Children’s Health Defense Ireland.

Lauren Dolan, Donagh Healy & Eimear Nic Cába


Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Chairman of the Board

[Note: As of 4/2/23, Mr. Kennedy is on leave as CHD’S Chairman and Chief Legal Counsel.]

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. serves as President of Waterkeeper Alliance, as well as Founder, Chairman of the Board, and Chief Legal Counsel for Children’s Health Defense, and of counsel to Morgan & Morgan, a nationwide personal injury practice.

Mr. Kennedy is an esteemed author, with a long list of published books including the New York Times’ bestseller, “Crimes Against Nature.” Mr. Kennedy was named one of Time magazine’s “Heroes for the Planet” for his success helping Riverkeeper lead the fight to restore the Hudson River. His reputation as a resolute defender of the environment and children’s health stems from a litany of successful legal actions. He received recognition for his role in the landmark victory against Monsanto last year, as well as in the DuPont Case that inspired the movie “Dark Waters” (2019).