A Message from Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - Chairman on Leave
July 05, 2023

Who Runs The World

Spencer_Whalen via istock

Our mission is to Defend Children’s Health. To to this to the best of our ability we need to clearly understand the force and scope of the global attack on humanity, on human community, on the traditions that support, strengthen and inform our understanding of what it means to be a human person and on the meaning and value of real human freedom. All of the above impact on our ability and capacity to protect and defend our health and our children’s health.

Children’s Health Defense Chairman on Leave, Robert F. Kennedy jr. describes this attack as a global coup d’état by big data, big telecom, big tech, oil and chemical companies and the global public health cartel led by Bill Gates and the WHO. These entities are all working in concert to reduce our liberties, subvert our democracies, destroy our individual and national sovereignty and usurp our control over our lives and our children’s health.

The following conversation between Ivor Cummins – – and Jacob Nordangård, Phd, is an exploration of the ways in which power and wealth have been used to reduce our freedoms and to manage and control our lives during the last 150 years, culminating in the covid 19 pseudopandemic. Ivor calls it The Greatest History Never Told.

This conversation is a brilliant and revealing portrait of those who hold the reins of power in our world and who are actively trying to create a new world order. Efficient management will dictate this New World Order and, if they are not stopped, we will no longer enjoy the human world we value and to which we are accustomed.

Ivor summarizes their conversation:

It covers everything of importance: the geopolitical history of Rockefeller/Carnegie/Ford foundations, thru to the Rockefeller influential dominance in the 1940’s. Their creation of League of Nations (soon to become the United Nations & WHO). The intrigue accelerates with the founding of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Trilateral Commission, Club of Rome, European Management Forum (to soon become the World Economic Forum), UN Agenda 21, the Earth Charter Commission, the G20 – and a dizzying array of increasingly powerful organizations thru to the 2000’s.

A truly pivotal moment occurred in 2019, when the massively expanded World Economic Forum…quietly signed a partnering contract with the United Nations (an event with massive implications – but zero media coverage, of course).

Watch this fascinating conversation here: