A Message from Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - Chairman on Leave
December 22, 2022

Psychiatry As A Tool Of Oppression And Control: Who Defines Truth or Normality?

Brett Jordan via

Many of us chose to exercise our free will over our bodily autonomy and refused the mRNA Covid vaccine. Some who refused did so at the cost of their job and, in some cases, their personal relationships while many succumbed under threat of losing their job or, for example, their ability to travel. The freedom we in the ‘free’ west have taken for granted comes at a cost. While in the Soviet Union and China, for example, psychiatry has long been used as a weapon of control and intimidation by government, see here, here, here and here, there has been a reluctance in the West to use psychiatry, or to be seen to be using psychiatry, in this way.

This situation is changing and designating some personal choices as forms of mental illness is becoming increasingly acceptable to some.

For example,Physician and Cancer Researcher Dr. William Makis claimed that the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario sent out a note to doctors implying that their unvaccinated patients may be suffering from a mental illness and should be prescribed psychiatric medicine.

Sherry Strong, Alberta director for Children’s Health Defense Canada, in a conversation with Dr. Peter Breggin on The Weaponisation of Psychiatry, claims that psychiatry is now used as a tool to target covid critics and resistors. At the outset of the conversation Sherry outlined a number of such cases with which she is personally familiar: a firefighter who was committed by his wife for throwing a remote at the wall of their bedroom when no one else was in the room and who revealed to Dr. Strong that the real reason he was committed was that he would not get vaccinated; Dr. Mel Bruchet who was imprisoned in a medical facility and drugged against his will for revealing that there was an excessive amount of stillbirths happening in Vancouver hospitals; Chris Vaughan, described as a freedom fighter, who was imprisoned in Langley Mental Facility and drugged against his will; Dr. Francis Christian, a surgeon in Saskatchewan who was fired after calling for informed consent on the part of parents and children. Dr. Christian “was threatened by the people who were firing him […] suggesting he had a mental health issue because he was questioning these covid injections for children.” (1:47)

On December 10, 2020 retired university professor, Jean-Bernard Fourtillan, an outspoken critic of the covid ‘vaccines’, was arrested by a team of gendarmes and placed in solitary confinement in the psychiatric hospital of Uzés. In this article Jean Smits tells us:

Fourtillan, a longtime critic of vaccines that use dangerous adjuvants such as aluminum (the 11 compulsory vaccines for newborns in France contain 17 times the maximum dose of aluminum defined as toxic by the World Health Organization), has been vocal during the COVID-19 crisis. He offers “alternative” explanations and warnings regarding the apparition of the SARS-COV-2 virus and the ARN vaccines that work by injecting pieces of virus message ARN with nanolipids with the aim of causing human cells to start fabricating viral particles and to thus trigger an immunological reaction.

In particular, Fourtillan has accused the French Institut Pasteur, a private non-profit foundation that specializes in biology, micro-organisms, contagious diseases, and vaccination, of having “fabricated” the SARS-COV-2 virus over several decades and been a party to its “escape” from the Wuhan P4 lab — unbeknownst to the lab’s Chinese authorities — which was built following an agreement between France and China signed in 2004.

In a review of Mattias Desmet’s The Psychology of Totalitarianism1 published on and titled Covid-19 – Mass Formation or Mass Atrocity?, the authors, David A. Hughes, Valerie Kyrie and Daniel Broudy, tell us that “[Desmet’s] thesis holds that under societal conditions of free-floating anxiety, loneliness, meaninglessness and discontent, populations are ripe to believe stories that offer an object for their fear and anxiety. With a shared purpose, in a state of hypnotic fixation, populations fall into formation en masse, on a mission to annihilate the object of their collective angst.” Desmet attributes blame for compliance with the covid narrative and acceptance of the absurd and callous responses to us, the people, and thereby draws attention away from the real culprits, the powerful technocrats who planned the entire debacle:

Rather than trace the illusions of Covid-19 to the powerful entities and actors who have dictated and enforced The Science™ from the very beginning, […] reappearing to steer the operation at every turn […]The Psychology of Totalitarianism maintains that populations have primarily their own neuroses and auto-oppressive impulses to blame. We, the victims of mass deception, are encouraged to turn the critical lens on ourselves, to contend with our own foolish naïveté.

For instance, while Desmet acknowledges that Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset book and pandemic planning exercises by the Rockefeller Foundation, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Johns Hopkins University “described how society would go into lockdown as the result of a pandemic, that a bio-passport would be introduced, that people would be tracked and traced with subcutaneous sensors, and so on,” he argues that any such “consistency” (p. 133) occurs because populations perpetually push their leaders in a totalitarian direction.

The modern crowd is always pushing in the same direction: the hyper-controlled society,” (p. 127) he contends. As a result, experts’ “decisions always move toward a more technologically and biomedically controlled society… The leaders of the masses — the so-called elite — give the people what they want. When fearful, the population wants a more controlled society.” Leaders, according to Desmet, “sense what people crave and they adjust their plans in that direction” (pp. 133-134). Who knew we were all masochistic serfs seeking to be shackled by digital chains? (Bold emphasis added)

In the two sentence preface to their review of The Psychology of Totalitanianism, Hughes, Kyrie and Broudy say,

Mattias Desmet’s theory of Mass Formation attracted a great deal of attention in 2022. In this review of Desmet’s book, The Psychology of Totalitarianism, we argue that it manifests the psychology of atrocity – and that “Mass Formation” paradoxically serves to legitimize the mass atrocity perpetrated during the Covid-19 era. (bold emphasis added)

In the conversation with Sherry Strong, Peter Breggin tells us that the use of psychiatry as a tool of oppression is something he’s been interested in his whole life (Dr. Breggin is 86) and references the book Allowing The Destruction Of Life Unworthy Of Life written by Karl Binding, a German attorney and Alfred Hoche, a physician. Written in 1920 this book served as a catalyst for some of the worst atrocities in human history. The film The Killing Nurses Of The Third Reich recounts how in 1933 the Nazi government passed the Nuremberg laws for the protection of hereditary health which legalised involuntary sterilisation and which eventually led to the involuntary sterilisation by doctors of 400,000 Germans and the euthanisation of over 200,000 disabled German children and adults (Killing Nurses, 6:15). Michael A. Grodin, MD tells us that Hitler found a perfect meshing of his Nazi ideology with the eugenic nazi medicine or racial hygiene movement (Killing Nurses, 6:26). The selection of the victims for euthanasia was based on a questionaire with no physical examination. The questionaires were then reviewed by a team of psychiatrists, each psychiatrist being responsible for evaluating 2,109 questionaires. Breggin says that “By the time Hitler came to power psychiatry was prepared to step in on its own and create a so called euthanasia program for its entire state mental hospital population and for many children and paediatric units – that was the paediatricians joining in with them – they probably murdered somewhere between 100,000 and 200,000 Germans (The Weaponisation of Psychiatry, 7:00).

So simply thinking independently and not going along with the aggressively promoted government/medical establishment narrative is deemed a symptom of mental illness? As we already said, according to physician and cancer researcher Dr. William Makis, the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario Suggests Unvaccinated Patients are Mentally Ill and Should be Put on Psychiatric Medication. In fact there are increasing attempts to link the holding of conspiracy theories – a reasonable, and scientific, position until such theories are either confirmed or debunked – with mental illness or instability, see here, here and this paper which “identifies belief in COVID-19 conspiracy theories as an important predictor of distress, anxiety, and job and life satisfaction among health care workers“. According to Mattias Desmet in The Psychology of Totalitarianism and here here and here, compliance with government diktats, issued on the basis of the ‘pandemic’, is not a consequence of intimidation or fear of loss of privileges but is a form of mass formation or mass hypnosis so is also a form of mental illness.

Are we to assume that only psychiatrists or psychoanalysts occupy an objective, neutral or ‘God-like’ position of ‘truth’ or ‘normality’ and have the capacity to make sense of our experiences?; are our responses to dramatic changes to our lived experience in our social and material worlds, which are informed by our understanding of what it means to be a human person, of no relevance? As sovereign, human and free persons with agency it is our prerogative to interpret our lived experience and to respond as we deem appropriate.

The review of The Psychology of Totalitarianism by David A. Hughes, Valerie Kyrie and Daniel Broudy can be read here and you can watch the conversation between Dr. Peter Breggin and Sherry Strong here.

1Desmet, Mattias. The Psychology of Totalitarianism. New York: Barnes & Noble, 2022.