A Message from Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - Chairman on Leave
February 02, 2024

Leinster House Event to Highlight Threat Posed to National Sovereignty & Personal Freedom by WHO TREATY

Photo: jamesroguski.substack

On Tuesday, February 6, at 12pm in the AV Room in Leinster House, Senator Sharon Keogan is hosting an event to raise awareness of the threat to national sovereignty and individual freedom posed by the WHO Pandemic Treaty and the Proposed Amendments to the International Health Regulations. The event details are on this link from the website. exists to stop the WHO’s march. On their home page they state:

The WHO is bringing about a world coup.

It is being done under the guise of pandemic preparedness. Two WHO treaties are being secretly negotiated NOW to advance this: a Pandemic Treaty and a massively amended set of International Health Regulations. If you want to preserve your rights and freedoms, your possessions, your doctor-patient relationship, and the sovereignty of your nation, this must be stopped.

Speakers will include Dr. Billy Ralph, Dr. Meryl Nass, Dr. Kat Lindley, Dr. Tess Lawrie, Christine Anderson MEP and Philip Kruse.

As many commentators have been at pains to point out, the WHO proposed Pandemic Treaty and the Proposed Amendments to the International Health Regulations pose a grave threat to the national sovereignty of all signatory countries and to the individual freedom of the citizens and inhabitants of those countries.

In a speech, linked below, Tracey O’Mahony of the Irish Council for Human Rights ( points out that the WHO could be called the Department of Health of the United Nations. She says: Given that the UN itself states that the WHO is the directing and co-ordinating authority on international health within the United Nation’s system. (minute 3.50)

The proposed Pandemic Treaty and the Proposed Amendments to the International Health Regulations are stepping stones towards a world government; see here and here.

In her speech, Tracey clarifies and summarizes the potential impacts of the proposed Pandemic Treaty and the proposed Amendments to the International Health Regulations. I have quoted her speech from minute 4:21 to 7:38 here:

Given that the vast majority of recognized sovereign states are members of the United Nations, WHO, WHA, it is reasonable to conclude that authority for global public health, but not just public health, is going to be centralized in one governing body, namely the World Health Organization, if either The Pandemic Treaty or Proposed Amendments to the International Health Regulations are passed. In relation to my earlier comment regarding a ‘yes’ vote leading to a loss of Individual Freedom, Political Accountability and State Sovereignty, I say this, given that both The Pandemic Treaty and Proposed Amendments to the Health Regulations seek to extend significantly the remit and authority of the WHO to authorize it to make legally binding orders which the WHO refer to as recommendations, however these ‘recommendations’ would be legally binding outside of areas that the average person would regard as encompassing only public health.

To understand fully what I mean I would direct you to the following: 1. The definition section of The Pandemic Treaty where the term ‘One Health Approach’ is defined. The Pandemic Treaty, if passed, seeks to implement a ‘One Health Approach’ at National, Regional and International level which, as the term suggests, is not limited to human health, but also includes animal health, both domestic and wild, plant health, the wider eco-system and also water, energy, air, food, climate change and sustainable development. It is also critically important to note that, according to article 2.2 of The Pandemic Treaty, this One Health Approach would apply at all times and not just when a Pandemic was declared. The second area I would direct you to is article 2: scope and purpose of the proposed amendments to The International Health Regulations which, if passed, seeks to amend the scope of the regulations which are currently restricted to public health only, to include all risks with a potential to impact on public health and, as stated earlier, given the level of co-ordination between the INB and the Review Committee, it is fair to conclude that the Review Committee intends all risks with a potential to impact on public health to include all of those areas identified under a One Health Approach under The Pandemic Treaty.

So, in essence, if either The Pandemic Treaty or Proposed Amendments to The International Health Regulations are passed, independent sovereign countries, like Ireland, will have relinquished their electorally mandated authority to a singular governing body, the WHO, to implement legally binding orders, both during and outside a pandemic, at national, regional and international level over public health, animal health, plant health, the wider ecosystem, water, energy, air, food, climate change, sustainable development and over any other area that has a potential to impact on public health.

Viewing her longer video is strongly recommended; it can be accessed here:

Tracey timestamps relevant sections below to enable people to easily locate areas of particular interest:

The longer version discusses the following (note time stamps to allow you to skip to sections that interest you):

Section 1: Minute 2.30

Brief History of the World Health Organisation and World Health Assembly

Section 2: Minute 4.47

Sequence of Events (to 1 January 2024) Surrounding the Drafting and Negotiation of the Pandemic Response Treaty/Convention and Proposed Amendments to the International Health Regulations 2005

Section 3: Minute 30.53

Review of the (current) Draft of the Pandemic Treaty issued on 30 October 2023

Section 4: 1 hour, 17 minutes and 53 seconds

Review of the (current) Report of the Review Committee regarding Proposed Amendments to the International Health Regulations (2005) issued on 6 February 2023

Section 5: 1 hour, 43 minutes and 25 seconds

Next Steps regarding the Adoption of the Pandemic Treaty

Section 6: 1 Hour, 44 minutes and 32 seconds

Next Steps regarding the Adoption of Proposed Amendments to the International Health Regulations

Section 7: 1 hour, 45 minutes and 32 seconds

Process of Adoption of Pandemic Treaty and Proposed Amendments to the International Health Regulations at both WHO/WHA level; and In an Irish context

Section 8: 1 hour, 57 minutes and 20 seconds

Avenues to Challenge the Adoption of the Pandemic Treaty and Proposed Amendments to the International Health Regulations

Conclusion: 2 hours, 5 minutes and 30 seconds

Another consistent opponent of the WHO’s proposed Pandemic Treaty and the proposed Amendments to the International Health Regulations is James Roguski. James has been raising the alarm for the last few years. In his substack column he focuses exclusively on the Pandemic Treaty and the Proposed Amendments to the International Health Regulations and provides a wealth of information.

Just yesterday, February 1, he did an interview for which can be accessed here.