A Message from Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - Chairman on Leave
October 16, 2022

Medical Ethics and the Irish Medical Council

Photo via Openverse

In an article titled Treason of the Intellectuals Emanuel Pastreich says:

The opportunity that I had to study at Yale College as an undergraduate and later at Harvard University for my Ph.D., the chance I had to wander among the gothic buildings, to imbibe confidence and purpose, and to learn to think, learn how things work, from distinguished scholars, was a point of stubborn pride for me when I started my career as a professor, but that legacy had devolved into a nightmare, into a travesty.

I watched up close how the thoughtful and insightful men and women who were my classmates at Yale and Harvard, who were my colleagues as a professor, responded to the horrific institutional decay of the United States over the past two decades. Sadly, although I remember fondly the moments of deep insight and kind exchanges of those good old days, I observed how they, as intellectuals, as lawyers, doctors, engineers, executives, professors and government officials, how they betrayed their fellow citizens and buried the wisdom they had obtained at those temples of learning deep in the excrement of fraud and hypocrisy.

You see, they forgot the entire point of that elite education they had received. It was not supposed to be something you boasted about, or that you possessed like a yacht[P1] or a racehorse, a special key that got you into the club. No! That sort of thinking is the outgrowth of deep moral decay.

That education was a privilege alright, but one that brought with it an absolute obligation to serve society, to stand up bravely for the interests of the nation, and above all for the interests of those who have not had the opportunity to learn how the system works, to study about science and technology, about foreign lands and ancient things.

That is right, you were given special tools that few had access to. They were given to you so that you could use them, use them to help society, especially in times of need, in times of crisis.

Pastreich’s article is a passionate criticism of, and plea to, those privileged few, particularly and above all now at this critical juncture in the covid debacle. He highlights the silence of too many of his colleagues telling us he was “watching in amazement as the utterly contrived and unconvincing COVID-19 pandemic was rolled out for mass consumption. I knew that my colleagues were smart enough to see through that circus from the start, but almost without exception, they bought into the farce with enthusiasm, with pride and glee”.

The moral abdication Pastreich is describing is wrong – there is no better word to describe it. Sadly, in this world, and to some extent as a consequence of the schooling experience, each individual, first of all, learns to modify and censor their thoughts, impulses and actions relative to the professional culture in which they operate. The degree to which such modification or censoring occurs depends on the strength of their moral conviction.

In the preface to the 2017 edition of The Nazi Doctors1, Robert Jay Lifton says:

The great majority of professionals in any society – of lawyer, doctors, teachers, and others – function within its moral parameters, within its designated normality. This can contribute to a society in various ways and serve a healing function. At the same time such compliance among professionals tends to deepen existing normality and help others to adapt to it.

When normality becomes malignant professionals can be all too ready to serve that version of it as well. Indeed professionals are required for maintaining that malignant normality and help others to adapt to it. (ix) (Bold emphasis added)

Over the past two and a half years, in many countries around the world including Ireland, a majority of professionals, including doctors, have supported and indeed promoted a range of government measures brought into play to ‘deal with’ a pseudopandemic. These include suppression of effective treatments, censure – including legal sanction – of doctors who attempt to treat patients with ‘banned’ treatments, a huge drive to ‘vaccinate’ as many people as possible including children and pregnant women with what is being called an mRNA vaccine but is, in reality, an untested gene therapy experimental drug (in some occupations ‘vaccination’ is mandatory if one wishes to continue working), lockdowns, school closures, church closures, destruction of businesses and the resultant increases in unemployment, mental health problems and suicides.

If, at some point in the future, some of these doctors are asked ‘why did you simply go along with the covid charade?’ they might reply, like some of the Nazi war criminals did at Nuremberg, that they were simply following orders, directives or instructions. That defense failed then and it must fail now; it is the ultimate evasion of responsibility based on conscience.

There has thankfully been a strong pushback by ethical doctors, doctors who wish to practise medicine conscientiously, their sole motivation being to treat and heal to the best of their ability. Doctors4covidethics describe themselves as “doctors and scientists from 30 countries, seeking to uphold medical ethics, patient safety and human rights in response to COVID-19.”

A number of courageous doctors in Ireland have opted to use their own professional and ethical judgement over and above ‘instructions’ and directives from government, the HSE and the Irish Medical Council, and have experienced disruption to their careers and lives because of their principled stand. They include Dr. Mick McConville, Dr. Pat Morrissey, Dr. Gerry Waters, Dr. Vincent Carroll, Dr. Marcus de Brun, Dr. Billy Ralph, Dr. Martin Feeley and, from Northern Ireland, Dr. Anne McCloskey who was suspended by the Health and Social Care Board in Northern Ireland for comments she made about the covid 19 vaccination program. This list may not be complete so apologies for any omissions.

While all these doctors have been censured in some way because of their stance, one of them, Dr. Gerry Waters, was suspended from the Irish Medical Register by The Irish Medical Council for attempting to do his job according to his medical judgement and his conscience.

The IMC says it “has a statutory role in protecting the public by promoting the highest professional standards amongst doctors practising in the Republic of Ireland. […] Patient safety is at the heart of the Medical Council’s role. Our work aims to improve standards of patient safety in Ireland. The Medical Council sets standards to protect the public”.

This has not been the experience of the above mentioned doctors in their interractions with the IMC as Dr. Waters’ statement and the interviews linked below show.

Dr. Waters sent us the following statement on his experience

In February 2020, while working my full time mostly private practice in Celbridge, I became aware of yet another virus spreading from the far east. We saw people collapsing on the streets in China from what was described as a SARS type illness. All doctors knew that is not how people die from respiratory failure. Then it cropped up on our TV screens from Italy, bodies on ice rinks, army trucks loaded with coffins so I decided to do a little due diligence and found that approximately 650,000 die in Italy every year, 56,000 every month. When the Italian government was reporting less than 3,000 approximate deaths in the first month at an average age of 81.6 and no children dying, they were locking down the whole country and destroying the economy not to mention the psychological well being of the people. We have since learned from statistical analysis that any spike in elderly Italian deaths occurred after the lockdowns and the social isolation and abuse of elderly and sick people by unnecessarily moving them. I knew there was something wrong.

I then made an in depth study of the PCR test upon which the whole pandemic was premised and found it was not fit for purpose as per its inventor, but corrupt, dishonest and over cycled to provide massive numbers of false positives that told us nothing about the pathogenicity, infectivity or transmissibility of the coronavirus. This review corroborates my findings. Dr Tony Holohan CMO was telling us nightly that deaths were RELATED to (not caused by) Covid. The small number of deaths of elderly Irish people were emphasised without mentioning the fact that approximately 100 people die in Ireland every day, mostly elderly. We GPs received a letter from the DOH ordering us to report any death in Nursing homes or homes with a positive PCR test as a Covid death and also to inform them if we even had a suspicion of Covid without a positive test. I was aware from my years of GP experience that there was nothing more pathogenic in the community than over the previous almost forty winters. I began writing to the ICGP and the Department of Health (I also spoke to a solicitor from the Medical Council who tried to intimidate me on a phone call) asking them to explain the obvious panicinducing media propaganda and misinterpreted figures in the face of a low severity pathogenic virus. I also questioned them about their instructions to us GPs not to allow our patients visit our practice or, most seriously, not to examine them but to send them into isolation and to ignore them until they were really ill following which they would then be sent to be examined by junior medical personnel in hubs. I was ignored by all establishment medical organisations as were my questions which I put to the ICGP weekly podcast COVID expert panel. I called for postmortem examinations to show definitive causes on all Covid deaths to be performed by the 134 out of work pathologists. I pointed out the usual best guess GP method of elderly death certification in nursing homes and the community where the vast majority of the Covid cohort were dying. I pleaded for the opening of holiday homes, beaches, parks or even hardware stores to buy paint and the right to travel to them. I refused to go along with the schizoid directives of the DOH and refused to take part in the mask wearing, social distancing, exclusion, civil rights destruction, or the PCR charade. I was really shocked when in November 20 they suggested injecting a synthetic viral mRNA into people for this low pathogenic virus, as with any thinking ethical doctor I refused to be complicit in this crime and pointed out that it was contrary to the 1947 Nuremberg code on human experimentation.

Communication went back and forth for a year but after refusing to go on the Joe Duffy show and having been mentioned in the Dail I was given two days notice of being brought before the full medical council with no preliminary hearing and no legal representation. The medical council went against an independent legal expert and their own legal team who suggested a compromise. I was given two working days notice of being brought before the High Court and then two hours to close my practice. Senior Counsel tell me the medical council have not got a leg to stand on in future legal proceedings as they totally mishandled my case in an unprecedented way and could be seen as malicious (a long story).

There is considerably more to this story, such as the dirty tactics of the medical council, their withholding exculpatory evidence from the High Court in their malicious prosecution, curious actions by my legal team, and the Medical Protection Society withdrawal of funding for an appeal three weeks prior to the set date. My team had stated that the President of the High Court had erred in law but suddenly refused to test that assertion on appeal; it made me question who they were actually working with. My social media accounts have been frozen, I have been ignored and ostracized by colleagues and organizations and attacked in random emails and anonymous phone calls. My honest opposition to Government mandated malevolence appears to have brought out an evil in people I can not comprehend.

I am very proud of my stance, I am constantly approached by people on the street to shake my hand and thank me for my honesty and courage.

Dr. Gerry Waters

In 2021, the Irish Council for Human Rights made Dr. Gerry Waters their man of the year. Dr. Waters’ indignant statement brings to mind Emanuel Pastreich’s remark that he was watching in amazement as the utterly contrived and unconvincing COVID-19 pandemic was rolled out for mass consumption. I knew that my colleagues were smart enough to see through that circus from the start, but almost without exception, they bought into the farce with enthusiasm, with pride and glee”.

In the following three presentations Irish doctors talk openly about their experiences and viewpoints over the last few years.

This first presentation is an Iconoclast One to One interview Dr. Waters did with Sarah Haboubi in March 2022.

In this Iconoclast Round Table discussion from Ryland Media in association with The Irish Inquiry and hosted by Sarah Haboubi, Drs. Gerry Waters, Vincent Carroll and Pat Morrissey talk about their experiences while under investigation by the Irish Medical Council.

In this presentation by the Irish Council for Human Rights just over a year ago, a number of Irish doctors expressed their concerns about administering the experimental mRNA ‘vaccine’ to children.

Why are those ethical doctors who act according to their conscience and for the obvious good of their patients in a minority? Why do so many doctors, and others, whether during WW2 or during the ‘pandemic’ go along with the charade, a charade which, in the case of covid, is increasingly being shown to be part of a genocidal depopulation agenda? Perhaps in some cases such unquestioning amorality is the result of a weary laziness which is the opposite of a compassionate and critical awareness; it’s not difficult in our world to keep oneself distracted from questions that might trouble a comfortable life. But how is such amorality and immoral behaviour so all-pervasive? Does it start in school? In Dumbing Us Down, The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling2, John Taylor Gatto, New York city teacher of the year for three consecutive years and New York state teacher of the year in 1991, lists seven lessons he teaches as part of the hidden curriculum:

The first lesson I teach is confusion. Everything I teach is out of context. […] The second lesson I teach is class position. I teach that students must stay in the class where they belong. […] The third lesson I teach is indifference. I teach children not to care too much about anything, even though they want to make it appear that they do. […] The fourth lesson I teach is emotional dependency. By stars and red checks, smiles and frowns, prizes, honours, and disgraces, I teach kids to surrender their will to the predestinated (sic) chain of command. […] The fifth lesson I teach is intellectual dependency. Good students wait for a teacher to tell them what to do. This is the most important lesson of them all: we must wait for other people, better trained than ourselves to make the meanings of our lives. […] The sixth lesson I teach is provisional self-esteem. If you’ve ever tried to wrestle into line kids whose parents have convinced them to believe they’ll be loved in spite of anything, you know how impossible it is to make self-confident spirits conform. Our world wouldn’t survive a flood of confident people very long, so I teach that a kid’s self-respect should depend on expert opinion. My kids are constantly evaluated and judged. […] The seventh lesson I teach is that one can’t hide. I teach students that they are always watched, that each is under constant surveillance by me and my colleagues. There are no private spaces for children; there is no private time. (2-10) (Bold emphasis addded)

All government schools in Ireland conform to the above model, more or less.

If the vast majority of our citizens go through eleven years of schooling, is it any surprise a majority of our adults unquestioningly accept government and medical council directives.

1Lifton, Robert Jay. The Nazi Doctors. New York: Basic Books, 1979.

2Gatto, John Taylor. Dumbing Us Down. New York: New Society Publishers, 1992.